Frequently Asked Question

How do I register?
Click the Sign Up button at the top right of your page. For access from a smartphone, you can click the "three lines" hamburger symbol to access the menu.
Can I log in without an email?
No, you cannot. An access security code will be sent to your email to ensure access is not misused and that the email is valid.

What is the value of the Madani Book Voucher?
For the year 2024, the value of the book voucher allocated per student is RM100.
Who is eligible to receive the Madani Book Voucher?
Students who meet all the following criteria are eligible to receive the e-Book Voucher:
- Malaysian citizens;
- Active student status as of March 31, 2024;
- Currently pursuing studies at the Certificate, Foundation, Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, and professional courses at diploma level and above recognized by the Government or professional bodies;
- Enrolled in Higher Education Institutions (IPT) under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), including Public Universities (UA), Polytechnics, Community Colleges, and Private Higher Education Institutions (IPTS);
- Studying either full-time or part-time;
- Students who have received vouchers from the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) are not eligible for vouchers under MOHE;
- IPT students who have received vouchers from MOHE in phase one on June 1, 2024, are not eligible for vouchers in phase two.
Is this assistance also provided to Malaysian students studying abroad?
No, this assistance is for students studying in Malaysia only.
How can students apply for and check their eligibility status?
All students can check their eligibility status via this portal from 10:00 a.m. on October 30, 2024 (Wednesday). When applying, students need to enter their identification card number and student ID. Eligible students will see their voucher balance saved on the platform in their name and can then proceed to make purchases.
How is the voucher redeemed?
The RM100 voucher can only be used for online book purchases on this platform (MySiswaPlace) for phase two or on BookCapital for students who redeemed vouchers in phase one.
What if the purchase amount exceeds the RM100 voucher value?
For purchases exceeding the RM100 voucher value, students can cover the additional payment using available payment options, including FPX and e-wallets (such as Touch n Go and others).
What is the validity period of this voucher?
The redemption period for this voucher is until December 31, 2024.
- Voucher redemption starts at 10:00 a.m. on October 30, 2024 (on the portal platform;
- The voucher must be used/redeemed by 11:50 p.m. on December 31, 2024 (on the portal platform;
- After the deadline, the voucher will expire automatically.
Are students who withdrew from studies before March 31, 2024, eligible for this voucher?
No. Only students with active status on March 31, 2024, are eligible for this voucher.
Are students undergoing industrial training and work-based learning eligible for this assistance?
Yes, those students are also eligible for this assistance.
Are students who graduated before March 31, 2024, but have not yet attended the convocation eligible for this voucher?
No, as these students are no longer in active status as of March 31, 2024, at Public Universities, Polytechnics, Community Colleges, and Private Higher Education Institutions.
If there are questions or concerns regarding this voucher, who can be contacted?
You are advised to contact the Student Affairs Office (HEP) at your respective institution directly.
If I am eligible but unable to redeem the voucher, who can be contacted?
- You can check on-demand within the system (log in required).
- If still unsuccessful, you may contact the MySiswaPlace helpdesk for record verification.
- If your name is not listed among eligible recipients, contact the HEP at your institution.
- Records updated by each HEP require seven working days.

What is MySiswaPlace?
MySiswaPlace is a gateway for Yayasan Perkasa Siswa to communicate, identify, and channel necessary assistance for eligible students. It also serves as an additional intervention to help enhance the performance and potential of students in higher education institutions.
How can I get the latest information about MySiswaPlace programs?
Register your interest in the Newsletter section at the bottom of this page, and we will send you regular updates on the latest programs. Additionally, you can also visit this portal for the latest programs.